Monday, 30 March 2015

Spring Membership Drive

Greetings Fellow Earthlings,

It's that time again, when the voices you hear over the airwaves come out from behind the mic and ask for a little help from their friends. I know that some of you have donated at the last drive and for that I thank you. And as the taxman is exacting his share of what you may have remaining after the holidays, you may find that this is not a good time to take on one more financial commitment. 
I understand. Kinda feel the same way myself.

 Radio stations don't run on empty for every long and as this one does not get Government money or University funds, we turn to the listeners for the support we need to continue as the ONLY INDEPENDENT ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY BASED station in the city. 

Think about it.

CIUT is on site for all sorts of events to bring them to you live: Afrofest, Word On The Street, Bloor Festival just to name a few. CIUT offers ways to look at important issues you might not otherwise consider. CIUT has music programming (right here, peeps! :) that not only doesn't repeat a song daily but often for weeks on end. Bands who are just emerging have a home here, and even works in progress. And most of the DJs post playlists so that you can actually see what was played, PLUS, after every show, there is a download put up on the archive the following day (or after the weekend, for those of us on Friday) for you to listen to or keep for a rainy/cold day.
AND as an added bonus, CIUT are fiends for social media. Twitter, Facebook, (is Myspace still a thing?) and the new App out of California, Radioflag, which I for one use every week. (check it out, )

YOU, the Listener, made the new transmitter possible. Now let's work it and keep the good times rolling.

To donate online, please go to and use Paypal or credit.

Or you can call on our toll free lines during the actual Drive from April 8-14 (Friday 7-8 pm would be great! LOL) 
There are also details on line for other ways to donate, and of course, it's tax deductible

One more little thing.
Don't forget to tell them Ruby Slippers sent you.

Much love,

Carol B

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