Saturday, 22 December 2012

Holiday Addendum to the Dec. 21 Show

Hey everybody,


I cannot for the life of me explain how COLDPLAY sidelined Tokyo Police Club and my beloved Chipmunks!!  I suspect it occurred while modeling the new CIUT t shirts for the website, and well, you know how photoshoots can distract you during a live broadcast.

Yes, we are a station of multi taskers.

Anyhow, I am leaving the playlist as it stands, although it isn't really how it finished, only because to me that would have been a more fitting way to finish the Christmas edition of Ruby Slippers.

If you have not had your seasonal dosage of Alvin and the gang, perhaps you will now be motivated to find the recording at your local library, sit back and sing along!

Cheers to all, and thanks for listening!

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